
As a Professional and Life Style Mistress I have touched and hopefully transformed the lives of men, women and couples and will continue as long as Life grants me energy and creativity.

As a BDSM transformational life coach and mentor I am reaching out to members - Lifestyle and Professionals alike - of our wonderful world who wish to explore issues they might encounter in their erotic lives, explore territories they might have not travelled yet and much more. I wish also to reach out to a wider community of Women and Men, Cis and Trans, Inter and Gender Fluid who are curious about their sexuality and their relationships. 

As a BDSM transformational life coach and mentor I am reaching out to members  - Lifestyle and Professionals alike - of our wonderful world who wish to explore issues they might encounter in their erotic lives, explore territories they might have not travelled yet and much more. I wish also to reach out to a wider community of Women and Men, Cis and Trans, Inter and Gender Fluid who are curious about their sexuality and their relationships. 

I believe it is in evading our truths and in avoiding our shadows, that we deny our own healing. Spending a lifetime orbiting our brilliance, our joy, our pleasure, our agency, never becoming fully expressed or able to project our gifts out into the world, we live circumscribed lives like somnambulists.

I am committed to sharing awareness through BDSM and guiding others in self-discovery and healing. I am committed to guide those of you who have taken up the challenge of exploring and embracing this fundamental dimension of their essence with authenticity and courage.

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For bold bespoke coaching, exploration and BDSM Mentoring write to me: